Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Just free ur mind

Mungkin aneh ketika ada seseorang yang menari-nari, bebas, sendiri, di tengah pantai. But it's a great idea that I want to do now. Hanya rasakan apa yang alam ingin katakan. Just close your eyes. Melihat melalui alunan gerak tubuh, merasakan hembusan angin dan mendengar suara ombak yang memeluk bibir pantai. Can u feel it? 

A thin woman with white dress...
It's not long or short dress, so she can dance freely... 
Maybe accompanied by slow down music "kiss the rain" by Yiruma..
Everyone feel what she wants to feel
Rain falls from the sky just to dance with her

For me it's like a definition of AIMER. Can you see it?

Itulah hal yang sedang dia lakukan, menari bebas di sebuah kotak tempat penyimpanan materi. Sebuah kosan kecil di pinggir kota. Desa atau bukan, saya tidak tahu. Yang jelas ini bukan kota, bukan pantai atau padang rumput hijau seperti yang ia bayangkan. Est-ce qu'elle a été piégé dans la prison?? Mais oui sometimes we feel isolated, but it's only in our minds.

Ketika lelah menari, dia mencoba duduk bersimpu di antara kaki-kakinya yang kecil, menggunakan kaos kaki kecil sekecil kakinya. Tidak menggunakan gaun putih seperti yang dia bayangkan, hanya daster merah muda bergambarkan wajah bermata ice cream. Ketika dia menari, rambutnya tidak terurai panjang seperti yang tergambar dipikirannya, dia hanya wanita kecil berambut pendek dengan beberapa helai rambut yang dijepit. Menyisakan anak rambut di atas bahunya. Sambil menari matanya tertutup, namun pikirannya bebas melayang, lebih bebas dibanding saat matanya terbuka.

Menarik nafas sambil membayangkan semua kekacauan kosmik (kesedihan, kepedihan dan kemarahan). Pikirannya terjuntai luas seluas pantai dan seindah senja di ufuk timur. Di keheningan, dia Memeluk mereka semua: kesedihan, kepedihan dan kemarahan. Kemudian menghebuskan nafas sambil Melepas kepergian mereka. Diulangnya lagi, terus dan terus hingga merasa bebas. 

Mungkin dia hanya seorang wanita yang tinggal di dalam kotak di antara rumah-rumah kecil. Tidak semegah rumah-rumah di kota, tapi pikirannya terbebaskan dari penjara kehidupan, berkat kunci perak yang berhasil ia curi dari sosok hitam di balik penjara. Teringat akan sosok Nelson Mandela yang ia kagumi. Melalui inspirator lelaki yang pernah dipenjara selama 27 tahun sebelum menjadi presiden, dia mencoba membayangkan kehidupan bebas diluar garis perbatasan. And feel so free.

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Sais pas moi, peut-être ‹‹ sans le point››

Il fait beau en ce moment-là, en ce moment quand il n'avait pas du vent ni de la pluie ni du froid car le soleil brillait la terre sans la presence du neige, du neige qui accompagnait toujours la mort, la mort que je n'oublierais jamais, jamais je voyais la mort avec le soleil, le soleil qui existait dans un petit jardin avec la belle vue, oui la belle vue qui etait completée avec des mots ‹‹ Il fait beau ››

One of my perfect morning ​ˆ⌣ˆ

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Ya Allah, Jadikanlah bagiku cahaya di hatiku, cahaya di Kuburku, cahaya di dalam pendengaranku, cahaya dalam pandanganku, cahaya di rambutku, cahaya di kulitku, cahaya di dagingku, cahaya di darahku, cahaya di tulangku, cahaya di hadapanku, cahaya di belakangku, cahaya disebelah kananku, cahaya di sebelah kiriku, cahaya dari atasku, cahaya dari bawahku. Ya Allah, tambahkanlah aku cahaya,berilah aku cahaya, jadikanlah cahaya bagiku, dan jadikanlah aku cahaya

–Doa ketenangan pikiran-

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Indikator pelengkap X dan Y


1. Mana yang lebih tepat: X >Y, X < Y atau X=Y?

2. Indikator apa yang menjadi penghubung antara X dan Y?


Ketika X dan Y mulai dihubungkan, akan ada magnet dan simbol untuk melengkapi X dan Y.


Setiap detik, menit dan jam selalu menjadi alarm pengingat waktu, pagi, siang, sore.... Seperti jam weker yang berdering pukul 04.27 di bulan November. Persamaan mulai terbentuk, gambaran akusitik mulai dibunyikan, petanda dimulainya perjalanan menuju tujuan akhir dari konsep suatu penghubung. Sebelum memasuki stasiun pemberhentian, tak jarang X dan Y berhenti, melihat rambu lalu lintas dilarang parkir, menyebabkan X dan Y hanya berjalan disituasi, kondisi dan jalan yang sama. Berputar ditempat yang sama... sama... dan sekali lagi, sama. Menyebabkan konsep yang awalnya sama termakan rakusnya manusia. Membuat X mulai mengurangi itensitas pemakaian jam weker. Y mulai merengek ingin diperhatikan lebih, ingin dimengerti lebih, ingin yang serba lebih. X mulai kembali ke rutinitas sebelum menggunakan jam weker. Sehingga daya tarik magnet dan simbol pelengkap X dan Y, berubah 180’ menjadi keegoisan. Memulai sirine alarm tanda indikator pembeda antara X dan Y dibunyikan

Y mulai ditenggelamkan oleh kalimat S+P+O+K. “Tidak ada yang menjadi sujet pendekat objet agar memiliki pelengkap. Hanya ada kalimat sederhana, S+P+O belum ada keterangan waktu apalagi keterangan tempat. belum bisa membentuk kalimat pelengkap yang lebih complex


Sadar pentingnya keterangan waktu dan tempat belum tentu menjadi jawaban dari indikator penghubung X dan Y. Kedudukannya masih sama, seperti bunga teratai yang tumbuh di danau, tidak ternggelam, apalagi melayang. Ya memang benar, konsep awal yang menjadi penghubung X dan Y terlalu suci untuk diberi tanda titik.

Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

The opinion about my wonderful friends, Part 1

Actually I've long wanted to write an opinion on people who are around me, they are my beautiful friends that makes me like now. Ok first, we started alphabetically

DINDA, my inspiration that i don't want too see

why did i write that? you can see how beautiful she is. And how about her character? very nice, she's smart, have a beautiful voice and got a perfect fiance. How good her destiny!!

she is my inspiration but i don't want to see it

why? because when i see her, i want to imagine like her. but it's too high to imagine, right? that's why i don't want to see the dream of being her.

ok lets talk about her influence in my life. well she taught me to mirror again about my religion ; prayers, charity, sincerity and surrender to God about mate. Maybe she doesn't teach directly but i could capture that lesson when she saw her life. Like my sister, she gave me a question "why i always look happy like person who don't have a problem?" and i said, "well it's not at all right, i have some bad qualities "penyakit hati" and for me it's a big problem. just it? of course not. In my heart, i said, i like jealous with you. And i don't like that attitude. seriously. but now i can handle it. insyaallah :)
It's so hard to admire someone, there would be jealousy, right? but overall, i really love her. she is very concern with her friends. Sometimes, she sends me a message, just to ask "what i'm doing" or say strange things. But now she's in kkn and her phone is damaged. Because of that i began to miss her message. Hope we'll meet soon and always have a good relation dear :)

Ok let's talk about my old friend, DIE-DIE

This is the moment of die2's birhday, when me and my friend vivi, gave her a cup cake and a little gift. Although now we life in different city but we still have a good relation. Sometimes we meet once a month. And if between us are celebrating a birthday, we always give a little surprise.

Die2 is my friend since junior high school. we have the same character, we like crying if there's something wrong and have the same ex boy friend, so funny!! Since we have some class in the school. we begin to know each other, she taught me to not picky friends, learn to give each other, helping others and forgive each other. Die2 that i know is simple and candid. and i really love her so much :)

One thing i wanted to correction if she read this post,


Even though finally it was completed, God would still have a wonderful scenario for you hon peace :)

Now we move to the alphabet E for EDITHA

She always says what she likes and what she doesn't like. Verry honest, right? sometimes we have a little problem but we don't know what the problem is. we still to make a guess with the situation. And she said, i'm like a sensitive baby, hhe maybe it's right kun.

Our character are very different, maybe that's why sometimes we fight in the silence. she always showed when she didn't like the situation. but me, maybe a little hypocritical. I prefer silence and avoidance. she's very optimistic and me, ok sometimes like a pessimist person. That's why she always reminds me to be optimistic in every situation.

If Dinda gave me the influence of religion, Editha gave me an influence in the career. seriously, such as when she makes me a chairman in an organization, although there's a little argument but our show is success. she who gave me the link to pursue my dreams of teaching. Every opportunity, she always remind me to give my CV. that's editha " A little girl with a million dreams"

Ok, now someone who always asks about my opinion of him, KEKEN

well he's nice but verry unstabile person. if he has a problem like "skripsi", he turned into a very unfriendly. but if he was normal, he impressed me with his thoughts about God, life and ok politics. it's so different with me. i'm not a critical person about politics and government. He loved to discuss government issues. and to be honest i get bored if we discuss it. sorry for it :)

we rarely meet, it's so miracle if we can meet. so we only communicate via yahoo messenger, phone or sms. I know today there is skype, but don't ask me to skype again. very annoying when he was invited to skype but suddenly he disappeared. ok please to keep ur promise!! well move on, he taught me to give charity. i think he's very generous when there are people who need his help to lend some money, and he never ask to return it again. Beside that, he taught me to understand about the justice of God. Very nice right?

For me he's a nice friend who showed a good way so i don't need a barrier that people always ask me because, it could destroy the good relation. understood?

And next? well not now, I will continue in the next section, au revoir :)

Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

The opinion about my wonderful friends, Part 2

Ok now we continue the opinion of my friends. Dear my sweet friend, MEYS

Well she's verry stylist, we can see that, right? we have a similar taste, like a handbags, accessories and dress. she's nice and gave me a lesson to look at things simply. she doesn't like to rush, so I think she's like a turtle ribbon. we also have the same movie taste. for me, she's my partner in choosing DVD, and we can spend time together for it.

I remember one thing, she said "there's no use to panic, even though we meet the deadline. she's very relaxed. when we get lost in Yogyakarta, she just said "Asik kita nyasar " what? so bizzare. well i think she right. i just wanna say, remember "YOU HAVE TO FAST ACTING TOO" but overall i proud of you dear because only a few people who can calmly when meet an emergency situations. so fighting for ur future :)

Now we will visit the letter O for om brot OJI

Hey he is the one who always call me Brot. what? but apparently he's always saying it to every woman, even she's slim. Very upset because every time he says brot, brot, brot, i always looked at him. maybe because it has become a habit until now.

Well he is a loyal friend. i think he always helps when there are friends who need help. He's a bit stubborn, i guess. we always played together. but now we rarely meet. maybe because there are many lessons of the different classes. Our boarding are not far away. i remember, we always eat "nasi uduk" together before go to college. But now he has moved boarding, so we never did that habit again.

Now the next is? my funny friend, VIA

Well she's always help me when i need something, she always reminds me to quickly open the dictionary when the test of translation, and she always asks me, "is finished yet? " she is my first friend in the faculty of literature. i still remember the first time when she help me, she gave me a stamp because i forgot to bring it during registration. she also liked to tell the story of the prophet. That's why i bought a book about the stories of the Prophets. Maybe it's simple story but for me so interesting vi :)

she's very diligent so i called her the queen of literature. And he called me "Bunda Rohis" she's so funny right? i don't know why, maybe Because i always use the little sock when i go to college. she's my first friend in college, maybe a bachelor friend too, because we both have an interest in linguistics. Hey, but now she defected and began to look at translation, the lessons that I don't like. seriously, I hate to open a dictionary!! so vi, please don't select that lesson :(

Finally we get stories about my chubby friend, VIVI

well she's cute, isn't it? There are many my friends said, ok including me too, when looking at my friends photo, must be questioned first is vivi. That's why she has many fans.

Ok to be honest we've been close since high school graduation. so not many events that we had together. vivi that i know, she's a sweet girl with her ​​innocence. Such as me, she likes the color pink too. I think she struggled to plan future, but she's very spoiled. Seriously!! for me, she's like a spoiled white furry rabbit.

if there are moments when we met, there would be a long story about our experience. we have a different story, maybe it's the reason why we are complement each other. there are still many things that i didn't know about her, so i can't wait for our "rendez-vous" ,to hear her story again and again :)

finish? of course not, we'll meet in the opinion about my wonderful friends, Part 3. Chau :)

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

The key to success is knowing yourself

My susceptible character that i made ​​the key to success. can i do it?

i'm very grateful that God lends me a lot of people very well. so i wasn't influenced by the vices and i'm so easily to accept the good qualities. maybe some people say it's a negative trait. but for me, changing the characteristics are very difficult. well it's not at all a problem for me, i just need a time to form a good personality.

Fortunately, i get so close with people who have a good character, so they can help me to get a right way. beside that, i can reading religious books and watching the show mario teguh golden ways. when some people have difficulty receiving good advice, i could easily accept it.

And i just want to say "thanks to my susceptible characte God" because when i simply accept the good advices, i believe one day i could stabilize my good characters that i've received.

Now we come to the conclusion, "Sesuatu yang dianggap tidak baik, sebenarnya bisa menjadi faktor pendukung untuk menggapai kebaikan. tergantung cara pandang dan penggunaan karakter itu sendiri" so do you have a bad character that will help you get a right ways?

Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

what do u think about "the justice of the God"?

I have a friend who really like to talk about religion and all things of God. And one day he gave a question about the justice of the God. so I answered that question with a faith that I believe. i said "of course God is very fair" but sometime we don't realize it... so do i!!

ok just let me to tell u about the interesting things

Ada sebuah pertanyaan dari penulis favorit saya, sebuah pertanyaan yang membuat saya menyadari bahwa tuhan sangatlah adil. dia bertanya, " hal negatif apakah yang Tuhan belum berikan padamu?" that's really a simple question tapi mempunyai makna yang luas. saya mulai mencari jawaban, kemudian tersenyum dan berkata, ya Tuhan itu adil. sangat adil hingga saya kehabisan kata2 untuk mengungkapkannya. coba bayangkan hubungan antara sifat pemarah dan sabar, walaupun kedua sifat itu saling bertentangan namun sebenarnya saling mendukung. karena dari sifat buruk seperti pemarah, Tuhan telah mengajarkan kita untuk sabar dan dari sifat sabar itulah tuhan meningkatkan derajat manusia. jadi kita dapat melepaskan sifat pemarah bila kita sudah pantas mendapatkannya, yaitu dengan sabar. so betapa adilnya Tuhan. Tuhan tetap menciptakan sifat-sifat buruk meskipun Dia tidak menyukainya. setiap hal yang telah diciptakan-Nya pasti bertujuan baik, sekarang tergantung setiap kacamata manusia untuk membentuk paradigma keadilan tuhan disetiap kejadian. ketika kita menyadari Tuhan itu adil, pastilah ada sifat bersyukur menyelimuti hati. saya jadi teringat dengan perkataan bijak winston churchill

"kita hidup dari apa yang kita dapatkan, dan kita bahagia dari apa yang kita berikan"

oui je suis tout a fait d'accord. memang benar kita hidup dari apa yang telah kita raih, seperti berkerja, mendapat uang, membeli makan kemudian berkeja lagi. tapi bahagiahkah kita hanya dengan menjalani sirklus kehidupan tersebut? satu hal yang saya pelajari, saya akan merasa behagia ketika saya bersyukur dan hal itu saya dapatkan ketika berbagi dengan orang lain. karena saat kita saling berbagi, seakan telah berkomunikasi dengan Tuhan "thanks for this precious gift so I can share with everyone"

so bersyukurlah, karena dengan begitu kita akan merasakan keadilan Tuhan :)

Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Life is too short to be wasted,
so don't waste your time for useless things

Rabu, 13 April 2011

Just smiling, you can feel better

One day my sister gave me a simple question "why you don't have a live load?" so funny, isn't it? i paused for a moment, well maybe i have to reduce my habit of exaggerated smile. Sometimes when i feel empty and really want to cry, I'd love to walk alone in a strange place with someone who throws a smile towards me. Do you think that's weird?

Everyone has many ways to control our feelings. just smiling, it's my way. now i want to tell you about my little secret, when you feel so sad, just find a thousands reason to remember you how to smile again. You can start with childhood memories or designing your wedding concept. they're my best memories i have. but before it, I usually cry under the covers. well it's normal right? remember we just a humain!!

I want to tell you about my friend, she's nice and really patient. her appearance? sooo perfect!! I spent time with her for two days ago, She gave me a lesson to see something with the simple things. We don't need a tangled thoughts to solving problems. Just slowly but surely. If something doesn't go very well, we still have a plan B. So many answers to our questions. We just need to find the right answer. And if we can't solve it, let's just say " Is it a problem?" So it's over, just take it easy my friends (mocca songs inspiration) :p

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Teaching, the best moment that i like

Hey, finally i'm back, sebulan aku merantau di negri orang.hhe berlebihan, oke lebih tepatnya kknm (Kuliah Kerja Nyata Mahasiswa) di Sumedang, memang tidak begitu jauh, namun termasuk kategori sulit tejangkau dari kota dan setelah itu aku harus di opname 6 hari karna terserang amoeba. How pity i am, really i don't like the hospital!!

So what am i doing there?
Banyak hal menyenangkan yang aku lakukan disana, salah satunya mengajar, well i feel found the new world in my life, i really like this moment. aku sangat suka membuat orang lain senang, aku sangat suka anak-anak, dan yang paling aku suka adalah berbagi pengetahuan dengan orang lain, seriously, i really like that, aku mengajar di SD, TPA dan PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini) sangat tidak mudah, melelahkan namun menyenangkan. so happy to be there. well because of that, I realized that I really like teaching, it is my new world a very pleasant, and i'm so excited of that

Berbagi ilmu Mengajar

Mendongeng Menari

Now i know, it's my true dream, when i hav a beautiful child, i will teach them to be a smart kid in a religious and of course academic. If that happens, i will guide them to be someone that do you want. Really i promised God, and i believe someday it will come true :)

Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Do you believe ur destiny?

Well, the destiny is like a scenario of God that we encounter often but rarely realized. Everyone has plans, dreams and hopes. but would God permit it?? So I really liked many films with the theme of life, destiny and have real meaning of life.

Sometimes many movies we watch have a conflict that can be easily predictable and with a happy ending. but in this time is different, the storyline of the film is flat, filled with serenity and tends so boring, but in the end of the story, i found the answers of this purpose story. Of course in the every our life is not always filled with problems. There are times when life is silent on the point of stoppage where life walk slowly but surely. That's what I felt in a french movie, Paris . Seriously, it's not like the other movie, the directed by Cedric Klapisch, he lift paris civic life as seen from the perspective of a cancer patient. Essentially we will realize that every destiny is different, maybe we're sitting in the park but at the same time there is someone who suffered accidents and deaths, maybe we're walking in the market but elsewhere there is someone who is crying or smiling. Well every life is unique. So we should be grateful for any trip that life has been predestined by God.

when she gave the lessons to children, hey she always smile

Ensuit another film that I liked, Happy Go Lucky,film ini menceritakan tentang seorang wanita yang berprofesi sebagai kindergarten teacher, dimana every time, every moment and every second that she passed, it always filled with beautiful smile. she really became my inspiration. just positive thinking, maybe it's just a simple world, but i believe the effect of this word is very useful, very large in our life. so jut keep positive, whatever happens, stay happy :)

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011