Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

My new violin is bella

Heeey finally one of my wishes come true. Now i have a violin, really violin!! Although I still couldn't hold the violin verry well but I'm very pleased. I feel like finding a soul mate and i call it bella.

why did you choose bella as a call name of your violin?
well bella word comes from the french language. yes belle!! it's means beautiful. She's like a little girl for me. She is very pretty and graceful like a lotus flower. Oh god, I really fell in love with bella. So I am a lucky person because I was destined to meet bella. if I bought a violin when I was in the BIP or the Yamaha music in jakarta, I certainly wouldn't be met bella.

it's me with my bella

I have got a lot of experience on the day of my meeting with bella. I met kak Davik who became my tutor. he's not only taught me how to play the violin but also to choose a good violin. so he took me to meet om Hengki. He was very humorous and I can't bring myself to say, "I must go home because now at 10pm, so howt about my boarding?" comme d'habitude I don't say it because he is verry kind and gives me a lot of science. for me he like pugong, my grandpa. my violin prices aren't expensive but I am very proud because I bought it with my own money. well, I don't know why I'm so excited to learn a violin lessons, actually the piano lessons have not been completed because piano is very difficult. Now here i am. I try new things fun. while still young we have to be creative for our old age isn't boring. that's my principle!!

Who's your inspiration violinist ?
She's Anne-Sophie Mutter, a violinist virtuso from German. now she's 47 year old. There are many awards she has to, one of them a Grammy award for best chamber music performance. so here we are, this is my favorite performance from Anne-Sophie

ma violoniste préférée

Soooo my dream is to be a concert and I were at the forefront like her, so mom and dad can see me up close. I hope it can come true :)

Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

J'ai vraiment aimé cette expression

Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

Do you remember your first love?

Actually, I don't remember verry well when my firs love. but it's like there is a tickle in my stomach. and i felt something hold my breath. I have the first love with someone when I was in kindergarten. Don't call me sassy!! it's just puppy love. so i will tell you my biggest secret, I kind of woman who is very clever to hide feelings. A few people who couldn't know if I'm liked by someone. except my mom, she was smart to guess the behavior of their children. but now is not easy anymore, when I'm falling in love with someone , I'll smile to myself. I don't know why!! ok move on, I really love watching romantic movies, especially scenes that say romantic words. it's so sweet. I often find movies with scenes express a love like this :

I'm truly, madly, deeply, crazily in love with you

I liked this phrase. maybe because of the beautiful poem rhyme. isn't it? (I hope you have similar thoughts like me) imaginez-vous there are people who is really madly, deeply, crazily in love with us. bon interesting phrase :)

So here we are, I don't know how many times I fall in love,when I was younger, like 5 years old, I like three boys in the same moment ,they are Andre and Rizky.

The puppy love ever :)

why there are only two names?
Yuuuph similar name, his name's andre too. ok may be it's so excessive for a child who was 5 years old. but one more time, it's just puppy love. so at least it's ok. when we were kids, I think we are very honest and freely express our desires. so just let it flow. And at the time, Mom also knew I liked one of them. Just one of them!! of course i still smart to hide my feelings, sorry mom :)

so how about now?
ok please, don't give me a question about love. my friend has often said, masih jomblo? oh god, he still single too. it's a ridiculous question from him. so move on :)

how about the love life have you passed?
heeem, it's not interesting, just like life in general. i have a relationship with someone a few months and finally break because of boredom or there is cheating. not me!! very disagreeable to tell. thanks for someone that I don't know where he is now (actually i know that).
so hope there is someone who is looking for me and will be met when specified by the God. so sweet :)

The day of my hijab

11 January 2010 at 15.00 p.m, It is the first time I wear the hijab. well I felt born again and fell in love with the God. Actually thought to wearing a hijab had existed since long ago but I always thought if I was not ready. so until when? since the school I often mirror while using the hijab, and I always feel embarrassed when my mom saw my action. And one day that faith has become an option that I believe will be the best thing. when I say wear the hijab to my friends, they were all shocked and also happy , some of them even think that it's simply a discourse of desire and maybe isn't necessarily realized. but it's my decision and I feel grateful with that. so here i am!!

Why did you finally decide it?
I don't know why, all I know it is an obligation. isn't it? there are many the reasons why I have to wear hijab. for wearing the hijab, we will be more respected. I think so! we will be more protected. we will always feel at peace. And My parents are very pleased to see the change of my appearance. very proud of me to wear hijab.

fell so happy with my beautifull days

Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

Mes amis est ma vie

Really happy to meet good friends, Dad once told me that our success is influenced by the role of friends. yees it's right!!

Rencana wisata kuliner (GAGAL)

when I was in school a lot of things that have happened, I'm not the kind of diligent student, every day is always the spirit of school because meeting friends malgance (the name of my class) so happy to be with them :)

always remember this moment

The moment when I first entered college, I feel like a stranger in a new environment. should be required to be human an independent and strong. fortunately I met good friends. theyn't only teach the field of academia, but also about religion and way of life. they also always gives me motivation to keep the spirit. so how good are they? but what will happen after we meet graduation ?

it's time like princess

These are two of my best friend. beginning of our friendship? we have many of the same characters as we have all along. Such as we don't like shouted, but we're an independent type of woman! we're so happy to be photographed and have similar life experiences of love. Sometimes, if we don't have time, we just meet once a month to share experiences and stories. so happy spending time with them :)

Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010


Kenapa tuhan menciptakan kita beda-beda jika Tuhan hanya ingin disembah dengan satu cara?
Itu adalah pertanyaan yang terdapat di resume film cin(T)a. Gw sendiri senang dengan film yang mempunyai makna hidup dan membuka pikiran gw dari fenomena yang ada disekitar kita. Film ini memberikan gw banyak inspirasi. That's why i share it in here.

Ada malam ada siang, ada senang ada sedih, ada langit ada bumi, Tuhan adalah sutradara yang memberikan kita kebebasan untuk mengimprovisasi jalan hidup. Tuhan menyediakan Kanvas yang bisa kita gambar sehingga hidup lebih berwarna. Tuhan memberikan kita fasilitas untuk merasakan berbagai macam emosi. Dari peristiwa bahagia, kita bisa tersenyum dan dari kajadian sedih, kita mengenal ekspresi menangis. Lantas kenapa masih ada orang yang mempertanyakan keberadaannya? padahal Tuhan sering mengunjungi kita, tetapi kebanyakan kita sedang tidak ada di rumah.

Hidup yang disediakan Tuhan memiliki jalan dari pilihan yang beragam karna roda selalu berputar. dan untuk menghindar dari rasa tidak bersyukur, gw selalu mengingat kalimat: J'aime bien ma vie!! itu adalah pernyataan yang selalu gw hadirkan di sela-sela ruang pikiran gw. but seriously, dengan teringat kata-kata tersebut, gw lebih menikmati hidup. pendewasaan seorang manusia terlihat dari banyaknya problem yang dilewati selama ini. Dan orang yang paling tidak bahagia ialah mereka yang paling takut pada perubahan karna hanya sedikit orang yang menginginkan kebebasan, kebanyakan hanya menginginkan seorang tuan yang adil.

Bon, hidup penuh dengan misteri, kadang gw bertanya-tanya mengapa ada begitu banyak jenis agama, padahal kita semua sama, melewati fase janin, dilahirkan, merangkak dan berjalan. Namun mengapa ada begitu banyak cara untuk menyembah Tuhan? itu adalah pertanyaan yang hingga sekarang belum bisa gw jawab. I hope God willing to tell me when I was given a chance to see him even for a moment . soooo I'm very grateful because I was destined as a Muslim. if I was born in europe, do I become a Muslim? What religion will I profess? so many possibilities of every life's journey that I passed. maybe I became a Muslim because of my great-grandfather of confidence but I'm very grateful to the destiny that I got.

Jumat, 07 Mei 2010

My true purpose in life

An actually, I don't know qu'est-ce que mon vrai desir. So i often think of the big question, Why am i me and not Someone else? maybe it was the thought that the others think. I look for answers on the internet and of all opinions, I think this is the logical answer :

There is no difference between me, you, and someone else who exists. We are all one, and the perception that we are different is just an illusion. If I were someone else, I would still be "me" because everybody else is also "me".

There are 6 billion people on the planet. Every single one of them are unique individual and the brains generate a mind that the uniqueness between us. Sometimes I don't have a porpose in live. And i think life like a compulsion that must be passed, everything must be measured so that emerging competition between individuals.

I ask the question to my friends: qu'est-ce que ta motivation dans la vie?
she say that the motivation of the life is make her parents happy. Maybe it's true, Il existe de nombreux possible but it doesn't answer my question mais il me permet de répondre à ma question
And now I understand the sense of purpose in life, I had thought that my life is from me and for me, so enjoy life is mon vrai reve.

Senin, 19 April 2010

everything about my friends

three of us together

Kamis, 08 April 2010

what's the meaning of life??

Feel so happy with my lovely life "j'adore ma vie"

Everyone have many talent, luck and wonderful life. I believe that!! but sometimes we aren't grateful for it. To understand the meaning of life, I often have to go through the problem and it's bringing my sincerity. So that made me know the meaning of life. Many things that can make us understand the meaning of life, but I feel really difficult to express with words.
I know one thing, I'll know the meaning of life when I smile just because of seeing something new or exchanged a smile with someone who we don't know.

The first step to life with happiness is start the day with positive thinking, with respect for life we will lead the day with gratitude and happiness.
The second step is to look around us. There proverb which says "the grass had a neighbor look more green than the grass at home. But the grass of neighbor doesn't necessarily greener. it's the meanings explicitly showing that there are still people whose lives are no better than us.
The third step
life is full of choices, and if you are between two roads, wait a while to determine which roads will be in the select, if you realize the road you choose is a mistake, keep walking and never look back, actually we had better fix these roads because there will be answers at the end of the road. So don't ever regret a mistake but make it as a learning.
The fourth step is grateful to be human because we can feel a live although only to see, hear and feel the world. To be a good human begins when we form a good person since childhood. every child is a gift of life. I'm very fond of children. Besides being a mother, one thing I like most of the process of life is to become a baby. Attention, infants never felt confused but just curious!! Because of feelings confusion belongs only to adults. That's why to become the baby is very nice.
The babies like cookie dough that can form beautiful if through a good process, but the cake can be damaged if you have a mistake in the process
One day I found a site about teaching babies. I was really interested with this program
"My Smart Hands to educating young minds"
you can see it :D

So.. begin to understand the meaning of life to be able to enjoy it!!
never too late and give an understanding to the children :D