what's the meaning of life??
Feel so happy with my lovely life "j'adore ma vie"
Everyone have many talent, luck and wonderful life. I believe that!! but sometimes we aren't grateful for it. To understand the meaning of life, I often have to go through the problem and it's bringing my sincerity. So that made me know the meaning of life. Many things that can make us understand the meaning of life, but I feel really difficult to express with words.
I know one thing, I'll know the meaning of life when I smile just because of seeing something new or exchanged a smile with someone who we don't know.
The first step to life with happiness is start the day with positive thinking, with respect for life we will lead the day with gratitude and happiness.
The second step is to look around us. There proverb which says "the grass had a neighbor look more green than the grass at home. But the grass of neighbor doesn't necessarily greener. it's the meanings explicitly showing that there are still people whose lives are no better than us.
The third step life is full of choices, and if you are between two roads, wait a while to determine which roads will be in the select, if you realize the road you choose is a mistake, keep walking and never look back, actually we had better fix these roads because there will be answers at the end of the road. So don't ever regret a mistake but make it as a learning.
The fourth step is grateful to be human because we can feel a live although only to see, hear and feel the world. To be a good human begins when we form a good person since childhood. every child is a gift of life. I'm very fond of children. Besides being a mother, one thing I like most of the process of life is to become a baby. Attention, infants never felt confused but just curious!! Because of feelings confusion belongs only to adults. That's why to become the baby is very nice.
The babies like cookie dough that can form beautiful if through a good process, but the cake can be damaged if you have a mistake in the process
One day I found a site about teaching babies. I was really interested with this program
"My Smart Hands to educating young minds"
you can see it
Feel so happy with my lovely life "j'adore ma vie"
Everyone have many talent, luck and wonderful life. I believe that!! but sometimes we aren't grateful for it. To understand the meaning of life, I often have to go through the problem and it's bringing my sincerity. So that made me know the meaning of life. Many things that can make us understand the meaning of life, but I feel really difficult to express with words.
I know one thing, I'll know the meaning of life when I smile just because of seeing something new or exchanged a smile with someone who we don't know.
The first step to life with happiness is start the day with positive thinking, with respect for life we will lead the day with gratitude and happiness.
The second step is to look around us. There proverb which says "the grass had a neighbor look more green than the grass at home. But the grass of neighbor doesn't necessarily greener. it's the meanings explicitly showing that there are still people whose lives are no better than us.
The third step life is full of choices, and if you are between two roads, wait a while to determine which roads will be in the select, if you realize the road you choose is a mistake, keep walking and never look back, actually we had better fix these roads because there will be answers at the end of the road. So don't ever regret a mistake but make it as a learning.
The fourth step is grateful to be human because we can feel a live although only to see, hear and feel the world. To be a good human begins when we form a good person since childhood. every child is a gift of life. I'm very fond of children. Besides being a mother, one thing I like most of the process of life is to become a baby. Attention, infants never felt confused but just curious!! Because of feelings confusion belongs only to adults. That's why to become the baby is very nice.
The babies like cookie dough that can form beautiful if through a good process, but the cake can be damaged if you have a mistake in the process
One day I found a site about teaching babies. I was really interested with this program
"My Smart Hands to educating young minds"
you can see it

So.. begin to understand the meaning of life to be able to enjoy it!!
never too late and give an understanding to the children

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