Jumat, 28 September 2012

Proud to be a muslim ^^,

Finally I'm in a small city of France, La Rochelle. I got a chance to participate in student exchanges. It's not for a long time but it's so fabulous that I will be in French until the end of December. In La Rochelle, there are many foreign students. I met students of Spanish, Greek, Australie and Korean, yes Korean!! (  ̑ 3  ̑ ) So happy to be here. La rochelle is a city in western France, like a port city with a lot of boats. The quiet city of La Rochelle began to catch my attention. And now I fell in love with this city.

Well, in this occasion I want to tell my little secret. At first when I had a plan to go to France, I had thought to take off my hijab. I was afraid if I can't adapt there. But some of my friends support me to keep the faith and keep wearing the hijab. I know this is a bad decision. And fortunately I realized when my friend sent me a message on my cell phone :

 "... you should still wear the hijab, be thankful to Allah for blessing his permission you can go to France, not everyone can have this opportunity...".

Thanks Allah, I was in the middle of the nice people and you're still giving me the opportunity to realize it.  After that, I tried to use the hijab. My first, second and third days, I just use a hat or a scarf. Unfortunately my neck is still visible. But one day I feel that this isn't the right way, I spent a lot of time in front of the mirror, just want to have a good appearance!! I tried to use the hijab and I realized that my fears had been exaggerated. So this is the answer : The people in here still friendly and they respect any religion. I really regret for having thought like that, only think about the world and forgetting that my Allah is always with me. And the question that, "Could a women with hijab adapt in France?", it depends on the personality of every person. If we don't start to greet someone, we never be able to communicate with other people. And it's true!! when I was in class, I met a lot of friends, like the Polish, French, Australia, Korean and Chinese. And they remain friendly to me when I talk to them. I'm so ashamed for ever having bad thoughts to others, before I get to know them first. 

Now I'm proud to be a muslim in this city where a women with the hijab is so minority. I will learn again to love my religion more and more. So let's start a better day tomorrow. Keep smiling :)

Au revoir, Mr. Sandman.

Rabu, 19 September 2012

Alohaa Gili Trawangan!!

Bonjour a tous,

Aaaaaaah udah lama bgt ga menyentuh blogger!! Ok menyambung perpostingan dunia persilatan, sebagai anak pantai *padahal cuma bisa kecimpang-kecimpung, saya mau berbagi cerita seputar perjalanan saya di Lombok. Here we go Mr.Sandman.

Disambut ombak yg berlarian, saya harus pasrah basah kuyup di speedboat berdurasi 15 menit. Berasa setengah jam (‾⌣‾"٥) angin dan ombaknya histeris bgt kyk di konser dangdut.   Mas Rum bilang, tour guide sekaligus saudara jauh saya, ini krn kita berangkat agak siang, jadi pak hajinya udh dtg. Pak haji adalah sebutan ombak disana. Hihi sais pas moi, mungkin krn ombak wrn putih, dan  putih identik dengan seragam ala ustad-ustad. Tapi ketika menginjakkan kaki di Gili Trawangan, pemandangan cantik nan elok udah stand by menyambut kami. sooooo magnifique, keyeeeen.

Ala kuch kuch hotahe ~(‾▿‾~) ~(‾▿‾)~ (~‾▿‾)~, saya bersepeda lirik bule2 yang bertebaran di pantai. Yuph, Dibanding penduduk asli, bule-bule lebih dominan berkeliaran disini. Ditemani Miniature, kk saya yg super mini Isrudwita Fearanti, kami membentuk formasi bersepeda bareng saudara saya lainnya. Kring-kriiiing, tak henti2nya saya membunyikan bel sepeda. Berasa jalan pribadi. Saya hampir menabrak bule gendut yg asik bersenandung ditengah jalan. " Excusez-moi, monsieur! " teriak saya sambil melambaikan tangan. But he said "it's ok, you do best" yaaah gagal lagi pencarian saya bertemu bule perancis.hhi kirain sekampung sm kang Napoleon.  

Di pulau ini, segala macam bule berkumpul, dari Inggris, Itali, Australia sampai Perancis. Masa saya harus nyanyi2 lagu nasional perancis, supaya tau mana bule perancis. *hafal juga enggak. Well segala jenis watersport tumpah dipulau ini, saya pilih snorkeling krn jarak antara saya dan hiu-hiu gigi tajam masih relatif jauh....... hhihi bilang aja takut kedalaman. Saya hanya berenang2 di area pantai hijau. dan memang hanya disana tempat yg cukup menyita perhatian saya. Ada banyak ikan2 kecil nan imut dan terumbu karang disana. Berasa lg syuting film Finding Nemo.

Romantis tis tis tis....,kata yg pas untuk pulau ini. Selain pantai, ada pemandangan gunung Rinjani dan lokasi sunset point yg strategis. So para honeymooners bisa semakin so sweet disini!!

And finally, I'm back! Serasa baru pulang dari gurun pasir, wajah langsung belang manisee. Oh nooooo, perjuangan gonta ganti produk muka sirna sudah ‎​(⌣́_⌣̀). But sebanding bgt kok dengan pemandangan di Gili Traawangan dan Lombok.

Take me there again, please!!

Ciao, Mr. Sandman.